The Gotemba Meeting

The Gotemba Meeting was held in June 14th to 16th, 1949 at the Japan YMCA Center "Tozan-so" in Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture. Japanese Christian educators and the mission board delegates from the Unites States both working for establish a new Christian university in Japan gathered to conclude the final university constitution. Approved here is the name of the new university to be "International Christian University," and to set up the College of Liberal Arts, with the graduate school of education following it. Also declared that the university will produce students who would be the future leaders to contribute to realize the world peace on the basis of the Christian faith; the founding spirit of ICU. These photographs were taken during the three day meeting. Please visit The Gotemba Meeting Memorial page for the details of the group photo and digitized meeting documents.

Group Photograph

A group photograph probably taken on June 15, 1949. In the Center front is Prince Chichibu, with Ralph E. Diffendorfer (on his left) and Maurice E. Troyer (on his right), representing the Japan International Christian University Foundation. Including the two most outstanding Japanese figures for the university foundation, Soichi Saito and Tadaoki Yamamoto, we can see Hachiro Yuasa, the first ICU President, Michi Kawai, the founder of Keisen University, Kiyoshi Togasaki, the first ICU Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Daishiro Hidaka, the former Vice Minister of Education, Morie Hosoki, the first Management Office Director and the "father" of ICU, and others.

The Meeting

Diffendorfer (center), Prince Chichibu (on his left), Troyer (on his right), Yamamoto (most far left), Carl D. Kriete (most right)

The Meeting

Prince Chichibu (left), Diffendorfer (right)

The Meeting

(from left)Yamamoto, Prince Chichibu, Diffendorfer

The Meeting

(from left)Yuasa, Yamamoto, Togasaki, Diffendorfer, Kriete

The Meeting

(from left)Yuasa, Yamamoto, Togasaki, Diffendorfer, Kriete

The Meeting

(from left)Yamamoto, Yuasa, Togasaki


Yuasa (left), Diffendorfer (right)

In The Garden

(from left) Minoru Toyoda, Yogoro Kato, Prince Chichibu, Togasaki, Yamamoto, Goho Okabe, Saito

In The Garden

Prince Chichibu (left), Saito (right)

In The Garden

(from left) Kriete, Mrs. Kriete, Kiichi Kanzaki, Togasaki, Mrs. Durgin

In The Garden

(from left) Hirotoshi Hashimoto, Pau H. Vieth, Shoichi Murao, Junzo Sasaki, Douglas Overton

In The Garden

(from left) Russell L. Durgin, Diffendorfer, Prince Chichibu, Saito

In The Garden

(from left) Charles Germany, Hideomi Mori, Edwin B. Dozier, Wilbur Friedell, Yamamoto

In The Garden

(from left) Yoshio Osawa, Mori, William A. McIlwaine, Okabe

In The Garden

(from left) Tokuzo Ohira, Howard D. Hannaford, Tsuraki Yano

In The Garden

(from left) Togasaki, Mori, Hannaford, Durgin, Osawa, Murajiro Ueda, Saito

In The Garden

(from left) Durgin, Troyer, Howard W. Outerbridge

In The Garden

(from left) Troyer, Yoshitaka Sakaeda, Murao, Durgin, Saito, Ueda

In The Garden

(from left) Troyer, Sakaeda, Murao, Saito, Ueda, Durgin

In The Garden

Teizaburo Sekiya (left), Diffendorfer (right)

In The Garden

Kanzaki (left), Diffendorfer (right)

In The Garden

(from left) Troyer, Alice Cheney, Diffendorfer, Germany

In The Garden

Troyer (left), Sekiya (right)

In The Garden

Junzo Sasamori (left), Diffendorfer (right)

In The Garden

Hogo Kimura (left), Yoshimune Abe (right)