About ICU Archives

ICU Archives was launched in September, 2020, taking over the services of the University Hisorical Archives. We collect, catalog, preserve and provide the wide range of historical and administrative records relating to International Christian University.

ICU Historical Photo Gallery

Selected pictures from the ICU Archives holdings by each theme.

ICU in Motion

The motion pictures in the ICU Archives.

John A. MacLean Special Contents

The original article by Rev. John A. MacLean in which he called for reconciliation and donation for post-war Japan.

Maurice E. Troyer Memorial

Information about Maurice E. Troyer, one of the main members of ICU founders (2022, March)

All That Osawa

The Historical images and documents of Osawa area.

ICU Archives Video

The introduction video of the ICU Arhives (in Japanese)

ICU Archives Database

You can serch the materials in our archives.

Introducing the ICU Archives

Permanent Exhibition

We exhibit materials and pictures about ICU.

Photographs(a part of collections)


Reference services are available in the Archives exhibition room on the 1st floor of the Main Library. Visit the Archives annex on the 2nd floor when there is no staff on the 1st floor.


ICU Archives Calendar

Patterns Open Hours

9:00~11:45, 12:45~16:00

9:30~11:45, 12:45~16:00

NOTE: Visitors are kindly asked to contact the Archives beforehand.

"International Christian University: An Adventure in Christian Higher Education in Japan"

Full text PDF data of "International Christian University: An Adventure in Christian Higher Education in Japan"

The Japanese fulltext translation of the 1964 book by Charles W. Iglehart. "International Christian University: An Adventure in Christian Higher Education in Japan." (Original English version will be available soon.)

Thank you for your cooperation


Please contact us if you own the records and/or documents that retells the university history like following:

NOTE: Please be informed that there are cases that we cannot accept the offered items in accordance with the Archives regulations.