I-3. 記念資料(図書)
東京 米国聖書協会1925 151p 15cm〈C001〉
旧約聖書 出埃及記
横浜 米国聖書会社1911 137p 15cm〈C002〉
旧約全書 第3巻 以士喇書―雅歌
795-1096p 23cm〈C003〉
旧約全書 第4巻 以賽亜書―馬拉基書
1097-1486p 23cm〈C004〉
上海 美華書館 1869 144p 19cm〈C005〉
引照 新約全書☆☆
横浜米国聖書会社 1904 758p 23cm〈C006〉(注40)
方台栄『丁抹より 農村及教育』☆
京城 方台栄 1926 319p 19cm〈C007〉
札幌 北海道庁 1928 79p 19cm〈C008〉
逗子 永島忠重 1929 104p 20cm〈C009〉
台北台湾総督府 1928 101p 22cm〈C010〉
田村直臣『牧会漫談 聖職五十年記念出版』☆
東京 大正幼稚園出版部 1928 102p 19cm〈C011〉
藤井武『人生のうた』 ☆
東京 岩波書店 1921 108p 15cm〈C049〉(注67)(注68)
東京 覚醒社書店 1922 186p 20cm〈C050〉(注67)(注69)
『引照 新訳全書』☆☆
横浜 米国聖書会社 1904 760p 17 cm〈C051〉(注67)(注70)
Beyschlag, Willibald "New Testament Theology"
." Translated by Neil Buchanan, Edinburgh, 1908 2v, 23cm〈C012〉
Biederwolf, William Edward "Herald of Praise."
Musical editors, W. E. Biederwolf and others, Chicago, 1917, 256p, 20cm〈C013〉
Cary, George Lovell "An Introduction to the Greek of the New Testament."
2nd ed. Andover, 1885(注41)66p, 20cm〈C014 〉
Dr.Raschkes Tafel einheimischer Susswasserfische"☆
Annaberg i. Sachsen, no date, 64x87cm〈C015〉
Forbes, George "The Earth, the Sun, and the Moon."☆
1927, 80p, 17cm〈C016〉
Forbes, George "The Stars."☆
London, 1927,
79p, 17cm〈C017 〉
"Fruits-Flowers of Southern California"☆
Los Angeles, no date, 22 plates, 10x15cm〈C018〉
Godet, Frederic "Studies on the New Testament."
11th ed. London, 1902, 398p, 20cm〈C019〉
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von "Hermann und Dorothea."☆
Leipzig, no date, 76p, 15cm〈C020〉
Gordon, Adoniram Judson "The Ministry of the Spirit."
Philadelphia, 1894, 225p, 21cm〈C021〉
Gring, Ambrose D. "The Heidelberg Catechism, in English and Japanese
Yokohama, 1884(日本語書名「鄙語海徳山問答」) 181, 325p, 19cm〈C022〉
Jack, George "The New Psychology and the Old Faith."☆
Edinburgh, 1925, 23p ,21cm 〈C023〉
Johnson, Walford B. & Stanley C. Johnson "Freshwater Fishes."
London, 1908, 69p, 15cm〈C024〉
Kerlin, Isaac N. "Our Praise Meeting."
West Chester, Pa., 1892, 98p, 15cm〈C025〉
Knock, A.D. ed. "Unsearchable Riches."☆
May 1925, May 1926, March 1927, July 1927, Los Angeles, 1925-27 , 4v, 19cm〈C026〉
Leeser, Isaac (trans.) "The Twenty-four Books of the Holy Scriptures."
Cincinnati, 1894, 1248p, 17cm〈C027 〉
Motley, John Lothrop "History of the United Netherlands."
New York, 1898, 4v, 23cm〈C028〉
Motley, John Lothrop "The Rise of the Dutch Republic."
New York, 1883, 3v, 23cm〈C029〉
"The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
Comparative ed. Philadelphia, 1881, 690p, 20cm〈C030〉
"The Penny Poets." 4, 13, 17, 27, and 51
London, 1895, 5v in 1, 20cm〈C031〉
Philip, George, ed. "Cassell's New Atlas."
London, 1922?, 144, 70p, 35cm〈C032〉
Philip, George "Philip's Authentic Maps: Africa."
London, no date, 55x65cm〈C033〉
Philip, George "Philip's Authentic Maps: Palestine."
London, no date, 55x68cm〈C034〉
Philip, George "Philip's Authentic Imperial Maps for Tourists and
Travellers: Greece and the Archipelago."
London, no date, 55x66cm〈C035〉
Philip, George "Philip's Authentic Imperial Maps for Tourists and Travellers: Russia in Asia and Central Asia."
London, no date, 56x68cm〈C036〉
Plato "Dialogues of Plato."☆
Girard, Kansas, no date, 127p, 13cm〈C037〉
Rembrandt, Hermanszoon van Rijn "The Masterpieces of Rembrandt. (1607-1669)"☆
London, 1921, 79p, 16cm〈C038 〉
Rice, James "Relativity."☆
London, 1927, 79p, 17cm〈C039〉
Rogers, Robert William "A History of Babylonia and Assyria."
2nd ed. Vol. I New York, 1901, 429p, 24cm〈C040〉
St. Cuthbert 's Church "St. Cuthbert 's Monthly magazine, January 1928"☆
York, 1928, 16p, 25cm〈C041〉
Trautwine, John Cresson "The Civi1 Engineer's Pocket-book."
Rev. and corr. Philadelphia, 1883(注43)
697p, 17cm〈C042 〉
Tyler, John M "William Lyman Cowles, 1856-1926"☆
Amherst, Mass., 1927, 24p, 24cm〈C043〉
Die Wartburg☆ "Munchen."
no date, 12 plates, 10x15cm〈C044〉
Webster, Noah "Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 3rd ed. of the Merriam
Springfield, Mass., 1919(注44)1222p, 26cm〈C045〉
Wehl, Feodor von "Dunkel Blatter aus der Geschichte Italiens."☆
Leipzig, no date, 123p, 14cm〈C046〉
Weiss, Bernhard "Biblical Theology of the New Testament."
Translation of 3rd rev. ed. Vol. 1. by David Eaton, Edinburgh, 1879, 489p, 23cm〈C047〉
Williams, Theodore C. Mrs. "Hymnal, Amore Dei."
Rev. ed., Boston, 1892, 252p, 21cm〈C048〉